Family of Origin
The Impact of One’s Family of Origin Marriage counselors at marriage counseling Ashburn and marriage counseling Vienna VA help couples better understand each other by examining each’s family of origin. The family we grew up in shaped us and put us on a trajectory that impacts how we interact with our mates. For example, one woman grew up in a home where the mother was in charge and the father was subservient. On the other hand, this woman’s husband grew up in a family where the dad dominated and the mother was subservient. It is easy to see why such a couple would initially struggle with control in the relationship and decision-making. Imagine a girl who was raised in a less-than-loving environment. Her mother was very critical of her and constantly judgmental. This, in turn, caused her to lack confidence through her teenage years and into her adult relationships. In her marriage, what her husband considered normal complaints, she took a...